Hi guys The true daughter of old time is science the poet heart is wonders in the imaginative world but science checks its flight telling him to the realty @Diana,the goddess of moon Nymph hamadyads have been driven by scince from wood. Why Its real SCiNcist There is not difference between the working of scientist that of any ordinary indivisal. The only difference between the method of working of the two is that a man of science taken more precations than an ordinary man taken .the nature of inquiry of scientist is more obtruse and he does not leave crack,flaw in his hypothesis. All men are scientist by this phrase, we means that all men generally adopt same method of working that A scientist adopts. A scientist uses his reason and draws a conclusion this is done by almost all men.a hypothesis is a guest formed on the basis of reason and experiement. It is necessary that we should verify a hyphothesis to affim that the conclusion drawns by us is found the same everywhere so that